Saturday, March 21, 2009

Un-named thoughts

An old Blog written somewhere in November-2008 (I Could not post it due to some invalid Reason :-),Could not name the Blog aswell as i did not find any relationship between the thoughts.)
Just some random thoughts.

Gradually we are putting-out the dancing ambiance of Garba and Dasehara from our respective mind.Diwali is round the corner and we all are waiting for a louder & sparkling diwali.
Some time it really makes me surprise how we forget any damn good or bad things so effortlessly.
Certainly our mind is oriented to forget the old & to accept the new things very fast (just an impractical guess).

This is a beautiful Sunday morning & am really enjoying my solitude with a cup of hot tea.
Last evening while I was filling fuel, I saw an old woman (age 65-70 approx.), was standing outside and asking for some help to each & every customers who are coming out of the filling center.
She was struggling for her daily meals .I am sure, she must have some troubles going with her family, she must have some health issues, that is the reason I guess, she choosed to beg.
And in this process I had to come in contact with her and she gave a sad glimpse to express her conditions to me. Initially I behaved- as if -it seems very normal to me and I started my bike and left the place, but in the later part of the night I could not digest her conditions.
Repeatedly, one thing that was striking to my mind-
“Creation is cruel
Creator is slave of his own creation
But still the bliss attain by the creator is just unthinkable!! ” … (I think a horrible Translation of a hindi proverb told by my father once :-)..)
I can say this is a very familiar picture of poor old parent in our society.
The big global slowdown is going to impact the people’s life deeply.

In addition to the above issue - The country has become an open playground for terrorist activities. (I know one girl & a couple who were killed in the serial bomb blast of Connaught place area, Delhi and Ahmedabad respectively). I mean to say I had never ever thought that, I could be one of the direct witness of terrorism. :-((

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent of the species, but it is the most adaptable who survive during the bad times” (I appreciate Charles Darwin for this)
So, it depends upon us, how we view the present situation “a war zone or a game”.
Definitely this is not a war zone for me so I m out of it :-))...

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